Do’s & Don’ts of Planning for College

Parents all know that paying for college is hard. It’s expensive, and the price tag keeps climbing—tuition rises faster than inflation and has more than doubled in the past 30 years. It can also be confusing to navigate the sea of federal loans, institutional aid, and...

What to Expect in 2018

Wow. What a year! The bull market in equities caught fire around the world, with the S&P 500 ETF up +21.7% and international markets as represented by the Europe, Australasia and Far East Index ETF (EFA) up +25.1%! With rising interest rates and continued...

The Tax Reform Tsunami

As of this week, the House and Senate leaders have reconciled their two versions of the Tax Cuts & Job Act. This is the biggest change to the tax code in over three decades. The plan has been controversial since its inception, with analysts suggesting (and the...
Make Your List & Check It Twice

Make Your List & Check It Twice

‘Tis the season for hot cocoa, holiday festivities, and getting your financial ducks in a row. Here is Alexis Advisors’s year-end checklist to help you plan ahead while looking back on another year passed. 1. Schedule a meeting with your financial advisor...

Ugh… It’s Open Enrollment Time Again. But There Is Hope.

I have recently been trying to support a handful of clients, and my employee, Paige, in finding a decent solution for health benefits. If you work for a large company, you are set. But if you work for a small business, the landscape is pretty dreary. As a finance...

Old and Getting Older: The Economic Expansion’s 100th Month

See our f An optimistic outlook The post-Financial Crisis economic expansion is heading into its 100th month, which puts it squarely in third place for the longest expansion on record. Only the expansions from 1961 to 1969 and 1991 to 2001 are ahead in the race, at...