Oct 23, 2019
Let’s link arms and walk through the dark forest of college planning together, shall we? Whether you’re expecting your first child, navigating parenting teenagers, or helping a child in your life achieve her higher education goals, this post is for you. The emerald...
Sep 25, 2019
We are excited to feature Tony Smith, CEO of Secure Futures Solar as our guest blogger for September. Learn more about Secure Futures and their capital campaign at October Money Mornings on Tuesday, 10/8. RSVP on our Events page. —- Do Good and Do Well: Make change...
Aug 7, 2019
It’s August already and you’re probably thinking, “How did that happen?” Summer is sliding away and you’re nowhere near ready to transition to the scurry of the school year. Believe me, I get it. Stores began selling school supplies in...
Jul 16, 2019
What Your Quarterly Statements Don’t Tell You What an incredible first half of the year! For the first six months, the S&P 500 Index was up 17.2% and the EAFE Index, which is comprised of international/non-US equities, was up 11.8%. ...
May 15, 2019
Welcome to our May blog. Over the next few months, we are inviting guest bloggers to talk about their passions and ways to impact invest. This month, Hunter Hopcroft, Special Projects Manager for Ellwood Thompson’s, is writing about his work with the nationwide Slow...
Apr 18, 2019
After living through the worst quarter (Q4 2018) since 2011, we just experienced the best start to a year since 2012, with the S&P 500 Index up +13.5% and international equities up +10.3% in Q1 2019. As recently as December 2018, the S&P 500 Index was down...