Mindful, holistic planning for life’s most important moments.

Empowering women and families to mindfully reach their full potential.

Innovating how you think about and grow your wealth.

Throughout life, you go through many changes — some small, some large. For larger transitions such as having a child, buying a new home or investment property, going through a divorce, or entering retirement, you want to be sure the steps you are taking and the decisions you are making lead you in the desired direction.

As you progress through life, your money priorities change. We are here to help you think holistically and mindfully about what’s most important to you as you move through these transitions. Money conversations are tough. Our goal is to make these conversations less overwhelming and more accessible – to offer actionable advice, break major milestones into simpler steps, and set strategies for staying accountable, allowing you to walk the path to financial success.

We offer a holistic, mindful approach to helping you meet your goals through all stages of life.


Building your life and career.

Are you in the right job - one that aligns with what you value most? Should you start saving for retirement or pay off debt, including student loan debt? Should you save in a Roth or traditional retirement plan?


Growing your life and your family.

Do you have competing demands on your money? Are you saving for your kids’ college and still paying off debt? Can you afford to buy a home or investment property? What about saving for retirement?


Transitioning to retirement.

When can you retire? Are you considering shifts in spending and savings habits as you move into this next phase? Are you invested appropriately – taking on too much or not enough risk? When should you take Social Security?


Enjoying life after retirement.

Should you consider a Roth conversion? What are some strategies to offset the heavy tax burden that can come with distributions from your investment accounts?


Consolidating and considering your legacy.

Are you focused on gifting strategies to your children, to a non-profit close to your heart, or both? What are the tax considerations?

Topics we address:

Retirement Planning

Retirement planning includes savings and income source analysis, investment allocation review, and running various scenarios to assess your options.

Debt Analysis

Debt analysis includes strategic evaluation of credit card debt, student loans, mortgages, etc. Efficient debt restructuring can help balance your cash flow and help you pay down debt more quickly.

Education Planning

Education planning starts with understanding your priorities around paying for higher education and assessing the impact on your net worth if you include funding sources such as student loans and scholarships.

Insurance & Risk Analysis

We assess your risk exposure and determine if your current insurance coverage is sufficient. (Note: We do not sell insurance or receive any commission from those whom we may refer you to.)

Investment Review

Between 7/31/20 – 9/30/23, the standard bond fund represented by the iShares US Aggregate Bond exchange traded fund (AGG) lost over -20% of its value. We review your investment allocations, understanding that having the appropriate mix can be critical to meeting your goals.

Income Planning

Income planning analyzes cash flow needs throughout each stage of your life. This includes identifying tax-efficient retirement distribution strategies or identifying income needs when assessing career goals.

Family Legacy & Philanthropy

Whether it’s gifting to your kids or a non-profit, we work with you (and your CPA) to assess which gifting strategies will help you meet your legacy wishes.

Mindful planning helps you align your money decisions with what you value most.

Our goal is to help you plan for all of these transitions – but to do this in an intentional, mindful way. We believe that most people are motivated by more than “more money.” Rather there is a “why” behind your money choices. Why you do the work you do, you earn it, spend it, save it, invest it. We help you develop a money mindset that enables you to build wealth intentionally. To be informed. To be empowered. To be impactful. How ever you define this so you can reach your full potential – with intent.

Our Streamlined Approach

Thorough, but not overwhelming.

Kickoff Call

On the kickoff call, we will set due dates for the next steps in the process and define your plan’s objectives – (i.e. When can I retire? How much should I save for my child’s education? How should I manage my debt?)


Data Collection

After our call, we will send you links to our data-gathering tools. These data-gathering tools make it easy for you to compile and send us the information required to develop your plan.


Data Validation Meeting (DVM)

After you submit your information, we will input this into our financial planning software platform, Right Capital. The purpose of the DVM is to verify and complete the information we are using to build your plan.


Plan Delivery

We will prepare and email you a written summary that includes assumptions, recommendations, and scenarios to illustrate the impact of our recommendations, as well as a targeted list of tasks and next steps.


Plan Review

After the plan has been delivered, we will meet to review the results together so you can have a clear direction on how to move forward with confidence.



Once the plan review is complete, we will discuss options for re-engaging us in the future to help you as your planning needs change and/or explore our investment management services.

We have worked with women and families from many excellent companies including: