Peer-to-Peer Lending: A Potential Opportunity for Borrowers & Investors

As most of my clients know, I would prefer that everyone carry a zero balance on their credit cards. When implementing a financial plan, addressing a client’s credit card debt typically comes early in the conversation. Why? A high-interest rate credit card is like...

Out With A Whimper. In With A Roar!

2015 ended with a whimper, with the S&P 500 Index down -0.7% for the year.  However, the markets entered 2016 with a roar, with the S&P 500 Index down -8.0% as of 1/15/16. The market is considered forward looking – a leading indicator, providing...

What You Need To Know About Changes To Your Social Security Benefits

sosecuritytoon Something had to be done. Most knew that Social Security in its current state was likely unsustainable. However, few were expecting the changes to occur “right now,” and even fewer were expecting the changes to occur “right now,”...

Understanding Active vs. Passive Investing: Why Should You Care?

There are many ways to manage money, but in general, investment management falls into two primary categories – passive management and active management. Passive management typically follows the tenants of Traditional Asset Allocation whereby you allocate a certain...