What is the Economic Cycle Telling Us About the Bull Market?

The U.S. equity market had no respect for the adage, “sell in May and go away,” with the S&P 500 Index ending up 4.65% for the second quarter (Q2) 2014. As is often the case with the market, it had the last laugh, with the S&P 500 Index breaking out to...

What is Your Financial Literacy Quotient?

Over the next few months, I will be writing about the three core tenets that underscore Alexis Advisor’s overarching mission: To engage, educate and elevate families, non-profits and small-businesses in making knowledgeable and intentional choices about how they...

Is the Market Turning?

Since the “blow-out” in 2013 – the bull market that caught many money managers unaware – the U.S. stock market has essentially gone nowhere since year end. The S&P 500 was down -3.6% in January, up +4.3% in February, and up +0.69% in March.  In...

Time to Pull Out the Crystal Ball…

Meredith Whitney, the famed New York City investment advisor who essentially “called” the financial crisis by highlighting her bearish views on banks in 2007, later said “even a broken clock is right twice a day.”  In other words, while her forecast happened to...

Making Your List & Checking it Twice

We are coming up on the end of the year, and it’s time to do a bit of financial and tax planning.  This seems to always make people’s hair stand on end, which is understandable, but hopefully by providing a “check list,”  the project...

Is the Market Getting Frothy?

You have probably enjoyed a cappuccino or latte at least once or twice in your life.  The delicious froth on top of the coffee base is made by whipping milk at a very high temperature and at great speed. My guess is that you drink your latte before the froth...