Jan 26, 2023
Before we get to the “elephant in the room,” let’s recap 2022. 2022 in Review 2022 was challenging on many fronts; the war in Ukraine, increased polarization between world leaders, and policymakers that appeared to be unsure of how to make the right decisions...
Nov 9, 2022
This has been a REALLY tough market to navigate as a portfolio manager. But, it’s even more difficult for those who don’t work in the industry and are facing retirement or are in retirement as they watch their account balances decline. But is it really different this...
Aug 3, 2022
Everyone has been talking about inflation, but do we really understand how it affects the average American? In the most basic terms, inflation is when our money has less “purchasing power”, or when the same amount of money is now not enough to buy what it used to....
Apr 29, 2022
When Ann, our administrative assistant, forwarded a message from ABC’s Good Morning America’s Climate Unit asking to interview me, thought it must be SPAM. There was no way little ‘ole Alexis Advisors would be singled out to be interviewed about what investors can do...
Feb 22, 2022
It is the speakeasy of the retirement funding landscape. Few people know about this technique, but those who are “in the know” can take advantage of this mechanism to boost their retirement savings. A fee-only financial advisor can help you navigate these murky waters...
Jan 27, 2022
At age 59, I finally consider myself a pretty balanced person. But this hasn’t always been the case – just ask my family. Working on a trading floor is not something a “balanced” person would choose to do. I worked both on Wall Street and in London for...