Apr 19, 2017
Tax season is finally over, which means nearly 80% of Americans will have a refund hitting their bank accounts over the next few weeks. If you’re one of them, you need to have a good plan for your money. Before you take yourself on a congratulatory spending spree,...
Mar 21, 2017
At Alexis Advisors, we believe in being informed about your money, even if you’re a kid. Especially if you’re a kid: research has shown that children’s money habits are formed by age seven. Yes, seven—the age when most parents are struggling to get their kid to eat...
Feb 8, 2017
You may have heard in the news recently that President Trump is trying to roll back the Department of Labor (DOL)’s new fiduciary rule. This rule would affect retirement investors’ advisors and, therefore, the investors themselves. Here’s an overview of...
Jan 24, 2017
We apologize for the lateness of this newsletter. Laura and I have had a busy start to the year, including preparing for our new employee, Paige Harland. Paige just joined us this past week and will be a financial advisor, supporting us primarily in...
Nov 16, 2016
Donald Trump staged one of the biggest presidential upsets in history – the last being in 1948 when President Truman defeated Thomas Dewey, resulting in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) dropping -3.8%, the third largest drop after a presidential election since...
Oct 16, 2016
The election season is in its last stretch, with Election Day less than four weeks away. It has definitely been an unconventional season, with the Republican Party nominating someone who has never held public office and the Democrats nominating the first female...